Chicago bulls rudy gay trade

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Shai Gilgeous-Alexander signs 5-year, $172M deal to remain with Thunder.Jimmy Butler signs 4-year deal worth over $184M to remain with Heat.Trae Young signs 5-year deal worth up to $201.5M to remain with Hawks.Get a risk-free bet up to $500 at FanDuel Sportsbook > The Deals Let’s dive into the winners and losers of free agency from a fantasy and real-life basketball perspective! Most of the major free agents have signed, some notable studs have signed extensions, and new rosters are beginning to take shape for the 2021-22 season and beyond.

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The NBA’s free agency period began August 2 at 6pm EST, and in just a day and a half, we’ve witnessed a flurry of high-profile deals.

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